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Launch release

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Launch has undergone a major re-write.

The system of recording which applications are to be used for each scheme has been changed to use the shared system now used by the SVN versions of ROX-Lib and ROX-Filer ($XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ The old configuration system, using ROX-Lib's options system, is no longer used except to migrate the user's settings over to the new system the first time it is run.

Full announcement

Launch 0.3.0 (This provides facilities for launching URLs.) has been

You can install it by entering this URL into AddApp:

To upgrade:

- Right click on the application and choose 'Versions...' from the menu.
- Click on 'Refresh all now'.
- Ensure 'Help test new versions' is selected.

For more information, including package downloads, see:


Changes in 0.3.0:

Launch has undergone a major re-write.

The system of recording which applications are to be used for each scheme has been changed to use the shared system now used by the SVN versions of ROX-Lib and ROX-Filer ($XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ The old configuration system, using ROX-Lib's options system, is no longer used except to migrate the user's settings over to the new system the first time it is run.

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