To get a ROX Linux system, please follow the instructions for your distribution below. If your distribution isn't listed, follow the generic instructions on the ROX-All page.
ROX-Filer is in Debian/stable. To install:
# apt-get install rox-filer
You can get all the other ROX software using AddApp or ROX-All.
Dennis Tomas writes that he has
"put together a package "rox-desktop" containing nothing but some (IMHO) good defaults, 0install-wrappers for some core software and a login-script. [...] I've also made a menu-method for debian, which places app-wrappers for on-rox-apps in /usr/share/rox/Apps/Debian.
It's all available from
You can also add it to your /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb binary/
Then update APT's cache with:
# apt-get update
There is also a (separate and less active) ROX-in-Debian Project at
After installing, you might like to read the Getting Started Guide.
Existing (non-ROX) applications are available from /usr/share/applications.
You can install gtk themes w/ apt too.
apt-cache search gtk-engines apt-cache search gtk2-engines
Then just select a theme from the GTk theme switcher or by runing ROX-session>SessionSetting>Display
"The Fedora Project is a Red-Hat-sponsored and community-supported open source project. It is also a proving ground for new technology that may eventually make its way into Red Hat products."
Starting with a clean Fedora Core 5 install:
Alternatively, you can install the package from a shell prompt, with:
# yum install zeroinstall-injector
You can now fetch and run the ROX applications:
To add a rox command that runs ROX-Filer from the shell (don't run this as root):
$ 0alias rox
See the Getting Started Guide for instructions on what you can do now.
See the AddApp page for information about getting more programs.
Fedora Core 5 is known to work.
Fedora Core 3 works, but use the "Other" directory in ROX-All to install Zero Install, not the RPM.
Fedora Core 1 does not work, because ROX-All requires Python >= 2.3.
Fedore Core 2 and 4 should work (they have Python 2.3). Please add a comment below if you have tried it to say whether it works.
The official Gentoo repository now has ROX-Filer 2.6, ROX-Lib-2.0.3, and ROX-Clib-2.1.9, and a large number of your favourite applications.
To install ROX under Gentoo, a simple
$ emerge rox
should do as a start. This will get you ROX-Filer. Other applications and applets sold separately, some assembly required.
Gentoo has two groupings of ROX ebuilds 'rox-base' and 'rox-extra'. Most of these ebuilds are still marked as experimental (~x86 ~ppc ~amd64), but are slowly becoming stabilized. Also, there is no meta-ebuild to install an entire ROX-Desktop yet, but this is planned for the not-too-distant future.
For the status of all ROX-Desktop software for Gentoo, see the new "Rox Desktop for Gentoo" project page.
If you have any problems with the Gentoo rox ebuilds, please report problems to the Gentoo Bugzilla.
After installing, you might like to read the The ROX Guidebook.
There hasn't been a lot of testing done yet on combining 0Install and Gentoo yet, so if you are looking for a know-to-be-good system, either use Gentoo ebuilds or 0Install, not both.
This will be smoothed out in the near future, hopefully increasing the interoperability between these 2 systems.
Q. How do I get rox working as my desktop environment?
A. Use ROX-Session, or, alternately, place this
rox -p Default -b Default
in ~/.xinitrc or ~/.xsession (depending on whether you're using xdm or
startx to get X started). Although, depending on which window manager
you are using, your wm might need some tweaking to get it to behave
nicely with ROX-Filer.
Q. How can I contact the Gentoo rox package maintainer(s)?
A. Depends on why you want to contact us:
Q. Why isn't application X in portage?
A. You can request new packages in the Gentoo Bugzilla. When doing so, make sure to mention:
Note: These instructions are written for installing ROX on Mandrake 9.2. These should still hold true for other versions, but your milege may vary.
For Mandrake 9.0, try instead.
If you're using Mandrake, it is recommended that you use the Mandrake RPMs packaged by Götz Waschk.
The preferred method of installation is to use Mandrake's urpmi installer. You'll need to add the contribs repository using the following command (as root):
urpmi.addmedia contrib with ../../i586/Mandrake/base/
If you want to use another mirror, the program urpmi.setup (also available as web version at is your friend.
Then you can install the packages (also as root):
urpmi rox-lib
$ tar xzf wrappers.tgz $ tar xzf archive-1.9.2.tgz etc
If anything on this page is wrong, or amiss, please, correct it!
If you don't want to use urpmi, you can download the filer and ROX-Lib RPMs from Be sure to grab the right one for your architecture:
ROX-Lib is pure Python... why are there different packages for each architecture?
You'll also need to grab the shared_mime_info RPM for your architecture.
Open your file manager (Konqueror, Nautilus, etc), and simply click on the downloaded RPMs to install in this order:
# shared_mime_info # rox # rox-lib
It's probably better to use the rox-session RPM (above). Otherwise, download ROX-Session from the Software Index page.
To make ROX the default desktop on login, run ROX-Session from the filer. This makes the "default" session listed in GDM start the ROX desktop. Choosing to set another WM as default will prevent you from logging into ROX. This can be remedied by setting ROX as a unique login Session in GDM.
To set ROX as a unique Session in GDM do the following as root:
$ cp ~/.xsession /etc/Xll/gdm/Session/ROX $ chmod 755 ROX
Note: Mandriva Linux was formerly known as Mandrake.
Note: These instructions are written for installing ROX on Mandriva 2006 (but based on the instructions for 9.2). These should still hold true for later versions, but your milege may vary.
The preferred method of installation is to use Mandrake's urpmi installer. You'll need to add the contribs repository using the following command (as root):
$ urpmi.addmedia contrib \ >\ > with media_info/
$ urpmi rox-lib
You will be prompted to install additional packages:
To satisfy dependencies, the following 2 packages are going to be installed (3 MB): rox-2.3-1mdk.i586 rox-lib-2.0.2-1mdk.noarch Is this OK? (Y/n)
$ urpmi -a librox-c1 librox-c1-devel rox-archive rox-clib rox-freefs rox-gcb \ > rox-magickthumbnail rox-menu rox-mime-editor rox-mixer rox-musicbox \ > rox-oroborox rox-pager rox-session rox-system rox-systray rox-utils \ > rox-wallpaper rox-wrappers-multimedia rox-wrappers-networking \ > rox-wrappers-office rox-wrappers-texttools rox-wrappers-utils
To set ROX as a unique Session in GDM do the following as root:
$ cp ~/.xsession /etc/Xll/gdm/Session/ROX $ chmod 755 ROX
You should be able to install ROX using the ROX-All package (could someone confirm that this works?).
According to distrowatch, Red Hat 9 only has GTK 2.2. When you try to run ROX-Filer the first time
it will ask you which version to download. Double-click on the version field and make ROX-Filer 2.2.0 your preferred version, as this was the last version to
support GTK 2.2.
RHEL 4 and later support GTK 2.4, which allows you to run more recent versions of the filer.
Warning: These packages are really out-of-date. I guess everyone's using Fedora Core instead.
Download either the source or the binary RPM (i386 for normal PCs):
AND download the shared MIME package RPM from this page.
Note: These RPMs are rather out-of-date. 2.2.x is the current stable series. Packagers wanted! If you want a recent version you'll need to install from source.
(Attention Fedora Core 1 users: The RPMs that seem to work include the file, rox-2.0.1-1.i386.rpm, and the Red Hat 9 RPM for the
shared MIME package.)
Then use the RPM installer (should be available by clicking on the downloaded RPMs) to install them both beginning with the MIME info RPM. You can then run the filer by typing 'rox' at a shell prompt. The RPM also creates a launcher for you in the GNOME/KDE Menu under Accessories/Other Accessories. You can start the filer from this launcher and also add it to the GNOME panel or KDE Kicker for easy access.
If you can't find the graphical installer, get a terminal window and do the following ($ is the prompt):
$ su [ enter root password ] $ rpm -ihv rox*.rpm shared-mime-info*.rpm $ exit $ rox
That should install ROX-Filer and shared MIME info, and open a window onto your home directory.
Doing this only gets you the filer, not the whole desktop. You might like to just stick with that for a while (at least you'll still have the old interface too, if you find something difficult with ROX).
If you want the whole desktop:
$ tar xzf wrappers.tgz $ tar xzf archive-1.9.2.tgz etc
$ cp ~/.xsession /etc/Xll/gdm/Session/ROX
This will create a Session in the GDM login manager for ROX, allowing you to easily switch between ROX and GNOME, KDE, XFCE4, etc.
After installing, you might like to read the Getting Started Guide.
ROX package for Slackware Linux 10.1
The latest ROX package (2.2.0 at the time of writing) for
Slackware Linux 10.1 is provided
on my personal web site. You must also install
gnome/shared-mime-info and
gnome/hicolor-icon-theme official Slackware packages. If you are running another version of Slackware Linux, you can use the rox-slackbuild archive to build your own Slackware package for ROX. --
ROX Filer packages for Slackware 9.0, 9.1, 10.0 provides packages for
Slackware 9.0 as well as
Slackware 9.1, and has just added packages for
Slackware 10.0.
Older (1.x) ROX Filer packages for Slackware 8.1
Franois Cami has created Slackware 8.1 binary packages for i686 systems. These are for Slackware 8.1 only. Supporting packages (GTK and the shared MIME database) can be found
You can either install using ROX-All, or using the RPMs.
Download the RPMs from You need (from the Other category):
You do not need rox-base, that has been made redundant.
Installation is similar to Red Hat.
You should be able to install ROX using the ROX-All package.
One known problem is that installing ROX-Session system-wide asks for the root password, but Ubuntu doesn't have a root password by default as it encourages people to use sudo instead.
Here is a summary of the status reports from the comments. If you can clarify further which versions work, please add a comment to this page!
The process has changed and these instructions need to be updated. Looks like you need to run gconf-editor and edit /gnome/desktop/session. There is a list of required components which are gconf keys at the next level. These list .desktop files to be run. [ TODO ]
As an alternative to using ROX-Session, these instructions show how to reconfigure gnome-session to start ROX. This provides better integration with the existing Ubuntu environment.
$ 0alias rox
(it may prompt you to create a bin ("binary") directory for the script; follow the instructions)
$ rox
Right-click in the window and choose Options from the menu. In the Compatibility section, turn on the Panel is a 'dock' option. This is needed for Metacity, the default Ubuntu window manager.
eval `0launch`
This won't take effect until you next login. Note that those ` characters are graves ("back-ticks"), not apostrophes.
$ gconftool-2 -s /apps/gnome-session/options/show_splash_screen -t bool false $ gconftool-2 -s /desktop/gnome/interface/can_change_accels -t bool true $ gconftool-2 -s /apps/metacity/general/raise_on_click -t bool false $ gconftool-2 -s /apps/metacity/general/focus_mode -t str sloppy
$ killall nautilus
$ rox -S
You should get a new backdrop and a new panel along the bottom of the screen.
You might like to read the Getting Started Guide next. More applications can be found in the ROX-All package.
See also: