If you find a bug in one of the ROX applications then please report it! There are several places where you can report problems:
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way contains good generic advice on reporting bugs. (They just provide advice on bug reports, they don't fix ROX bugs so don't ask them!)
Tip: When trying to fix a problem yourself, start by noting down the original error messages. Sometimes people try all sorts of crazy things (removing or upgrading libraries, moving files, etc) before finally writing to the mailing list for help, by which time they've forgotten what the original problem was!
(And there's nothing wrong with trying to fix things yourself; you'll learn plenty. But keep a log. It's hard to help you fix your system when you can't remember what you did!)
The following pages contain notes on some commonly-seen bugs, and instructions on how to collect useful information to send in bug reports.
If you are running your program using Zero Install then you can use the built-in bug reporting tool (in version 0.26 and later). Right-click over the application in ROX-Filer and choose Versions... from the menu:
Then right-click over the component with the bug (if unsure, just pick the one at the top, which is the main program):
Fill in the boxes. It will automatically fill in the bottom box with information about your system and which version of the program and libraries you're using. If the program prints errors when it fails, click on the 'Run it now and record the output' button to add them to the report too: