Help Installing
These pages gives detailed installation instructions for installing ROX on various distributions.
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The easiest way to install ROX is by downloading the ROX-All package.
Alternatively, choose your distribution from the list below to get packages specially built for your system.
- ROX-All (works on most systems except Windows)
See the Installation FAQ for more help.
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Nice work, clean an easy website, KISS in best form, thanks!
Why do you not make an ISO? I look for that: A little ROX-System that is completely, with core, w-window etc.
When I make it with a distro, I install only: the xserver, x-window-system-core. What more I need for a basic system? (When I have all gnome-installations it is to big.) Later, I want to buld my own ISO.
Interesting idea
I wonder if we could use rbuilder ( to make the base distribution and then put the ROX stuff on it?
Otherwise I guess we'd have to pick an existing Live-CD and modify it.
is Rox fas as XFCE? is it
is Rox fas as XFCE? is it faster and smaller? Can XFCE and Rox run together? What about with Enlightenment? Has any distro used Rox as default? If so can you reply with links?
I've so far not managed to
I've so far not managed to get it to run as full ROX Dekstop with Ubuntu.. but it is fast when using ROX-Filer. By default, i have not found any distro that provides ROX like this.
Enlightenment, as I said; will benefit from ROX-Filer being fast.. not tried that combo though. Used XFCE with ROX Filer and it was great. Trying to get the full shabang on Debian now.
CPX a little linux
CPX a little linux distribution with rox-filer by default.
Take a look here:
Puppy Linux uses ROX as the
Puppy Linux uses ROX as the default and JWM as the window manager, lots of Puppy users use Icewm instead of JWM but ROX is the Filer in Puppy, check it out at
The perfect path (no pun
The perfect path (no pun intended :) ) would indeed be rPath Linux ;)
In a short while I am giving up attempting to install rox
the reason?
Quite simply the computer I am trying to set rox desktop in it's complete extra apps included is not to be connected to the internet at any cost. There are reasons for that, as the highly customized version of opensuse 10.1 that I am still fleshing out with all sorts of extras suse feels it shouldn't provide is intended to do a certain large number of jobs that require it not to be ever connected to the internet at all.
I have added afterstep 2+, fluxbox, enlightenment, pekwm, xfce4 (complete desktop inclusive of thunar with hal support), scribus, EDE a desktop environment, UDE, at least two extra flavours of fvwm, and many other useful environments and utilities that this linuxbox will need,
SciTE etc. all on top of the opensuse 10.1 install, and all compiled from source, without a hitch apart from some rewriting of the odd configure file to implement /usr/local or /opt/gnome wherever needed.
BUT. The ROX Desktop, Oroborox, and associated Olix desktop environments and apps have proved incredibly troublesome, not in the least because whilst I may install rox from source code, it worked okay.
all of the other desktop associated packages on sourceforge required zero install downloads.
So I ask humbly if there is a complete Rox Desktop and associated applications complete download that doesn't include zeroinstall scripts, or AppRun which is equally annoying if you have no internet connection. At this point I will take source code or ready built binaries in rpm deb tgz tar.gz zip 7z cpio or any other package bundle or even just source code text with a good manual, but if I don't find it soon I think I am going to walk away
sincerely. Nick.
Just copy the cache
Just install it on a computer with a network connection and then copy the cache (~/.cache/ across to the non-networked machine.
You should turn off checking for updates too ("0launch -g" -> Preferences).
No-network installs
I have a full ROX desktop on system not connected to the internet. You don't need Zero Install, you just need a full devel system, which you can get from SuSE 10.1.
If you have Zero Install installed, uninstall it so ROX doesn't attempt to use it. Ignore ROX-All. Download the various tarballs and transfer them to the target system. Unpack each in turn and build it (unless it's python).
I'd use the sequence
then any others you want.
was going to give up on rox but
after a lot of coffee a day or two of gunzips tar -xfs, filerolling rpms and checking a freebsd live cd for directory structure amidst repeated powerouts due to french electricity and a sata 100 disk cable that sometimes has a mind of it's own when booting up (the quick fix take the side of the computer off replug all the power cables and ide cables in a slightly different way but keeping in mind boot table configuration, restart machine and hey presto, athough I am going to have to build a new box soon, still using a socket seven, which must be near death by now after all it has seen.), I figured it out and all of rox except oroborox works well but since I actually wanted it for fluxbbox and enlightenment to give back functionality that I used to get from good old kde1 and the kfm process not being tied to the kde desktop in order to run, I am very very happy indeed.
oroborox appears to have compiled okay but hangs the computer each time rox session tries to use it as the default wm.
adding to kdm was no problem on suse 10.1 either since you just write a new .desktop file using SciTE and add it to /usr/share/xsession and/or xsessions depending on whether like me you've renamed things on an industrial scale making sure of course that permissions for the .desktop file are not root only.
an important thing to note: suse is a bit dodgy on the position of its vte package and therefore roxterm doesn't compile, I may fix that soon by compiling a new vte package if and when I can assure myself that won't screw up gnome-terminal or konsole which do rely on the suse 10.1 version.
but thanks for the tip, I'll check the directory structure you've given to make sure it's all in the right place but at the moment it works like a dream, complete with Buuf Deuce icons an a minimalistic dyne theme for gtk2.
Just one question? If I hacked a copy of an AppRun script, would that be the best way to make new wrappers for program launching in rox filer? I haven't looked too deeply yet but I figure that would be the best method.
sincerely again Nick.
Hi, I have a problem in that there is a program called rox.exe stored in a folder called RESTORE that suddenly appeared on my PC and all of my portable drives.. its not picked up as spy ware or a virus, but i cant delete it and that says its not a good thing - can you tell me if it is part of the rox environment? how do I get rid of it? what is it?
I don't know what it is, but I doubt it's anything to do with us.
i have the same problem too.can somebody please help how to get rid of it bec im suspecting its some kind of a virus.thank u very much
rox.exe is a virus that spreads using flash drives and other media in a Windows environment. ROX Desktop is a linux desktop environment. This is not the place you are looking for.