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strict warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in /home/tal/rox/htdocs/desktop/modules/book/book.module on line 559.

There are various documents detailing how different bits of the desktop work:

Configuration system
Describes where to load and save user preferences and allows layers of preferences (such that user preferences override system-wide preferences and so on).
Application directories
A system for distributing applications in a form that can be run without the need to install anything. The application program remains completely self-contained.
The X Desktop Group has links to various standards that are common to several desktops, and develops new ones. Lots of interesting work is going on here.
httpThe X Direct Save protocol
This protocol allows the user to save by dragging data from a program to a filer.
There is a test application here: http

Broken Link

The 'Application Directories' link points to a non-existant page, /desktop/AppDir .

Fixed now.

Fixed now.

partly outdated data

The Choices system, IMO, should be changed to:
Here too the change should be made.

Fixed; thanks!

Fixed; thanks!

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