Theming the background of filer windows
My GTK theme makes my filer background a different color; how do I make it white again?
Put something like the following in your ~/.gtkrc-2.0 file:
Note: to prevent this file from being overridden when changing themes use ~/.gtkrc.mine
style "rox" = "default" { bg[NORMAL] = "#ffffff" bg[ACTIVE] = "#ffffff" } widget_class "*Collection*" style "rox"
Next, restart ROX-Filer (or you X session). You can just restart ROX by killing the ROX-Filer process : under Linux, use killall ROX-Filer and restart it. Don't use killall under Solaris.
Other widget_class backgrounds you may like to change include:
- GtkToolbar - the toolbar at the top of the window
- GtkMenu - menus
but remember that this will affect all GTK applications.
How do I set a background image for ROX filer windows?
This is similar to the previous question. Put something like the following in your ~/.gtkrc-2.0 file:
Note: to prevent this file from being overridden when changing themes use ~/.gtkrc.mine
pixmap_path "/home/yourhome/images" style "rox" = "default" { bg_pixmap[NORMAL] = "roxbg.png" } widget_class "*Collection*" style "rox"
Bu sure that roxbg.png is in the path you use in the pixmap_path directive. The image will be tiled to fill the whole ROX filer window. Next, restart ROX-Filer (or you X session). You can just restart ROX by killing the ROX-Filer process : under Linux, use killall ROX-Filer and restart it.
Further reading
See the GTK Theming Tutorial for more information.
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*Collection* interferes with other apps
Matching *Collection* does change the context menu colors of Liferea. To avoid that, I do match *ViewCollection* instead:
widget_class "*ViewCollection*" style "rox"
Theming Menus
How/is it possible to theme the background of context menus. Is it possible to set an image as a background?
inherit root pixmap
Could it be possible to inherit the root pixmap, with possibly a tint ? (as in aterm)
Filer Background
I'm having trouble getting the filer window backdrop thing to work.
Here's what I added to my gtkrc-2.0 file
Re: Filer Background
Let's start by eliminating the obvious:
What's the pixmap path
1: Yes
2: Readable by what? Otherwise I have no idea
3: Work with set filer window background? I doubt it
4: I think it's more a problem that I don't quite understand the instructions than one of file format.
5: It's a 1. I copy/pasted the file name
What's the pixmap path directive?
>2: Readable by what? Otherwise I have no idea
Anything. The Gimp, for example. Can you load it into the gimp? Or just show the output of the command
file /home/mark/pictures/77028-1.jpg
>3: Work with set filer window background? I doubt it
Try it. It could be a fault with that one file
>What's the pixmap path directive?
The directory to search for pixmap files when a non-absolute
Oh right.I've configured
Oh right.
I've configured jpg files to open in MTPaint and Picky. It works in both of those.
I'll try another file.
Still nothing
I can't work it out :-(
is it possible to put such a
is it possible to put such a wallpaper to all Gtk windows, not only rox?
GTK Theming Tutorial
Try the GTK Theming Tutorial.