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warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/tal/rox/htdocs/desktop/modules/taxonomy/ on line 33.
Connecting computers together.

Programming in E, one year on

E is a "secure distributed pure-object platform and p2p scripting language". I've been writing programs in E for a little over a year now. Here's a quick summary of the cool features I've found so far in this surprisingly overlooked little language.

Who's talking to whom?

One way to understand how your system works is to look at which programs talk to other programs.
Here's a graph showing all the processes on my system and their sockets:

Graph of socket connections


browse Samba networks via FUSE
Current stable version: 
Primary author(s): 
Stephen Watson

browse Samba networks via FUSE

Current stable version:

Home page:

Primary author(s):
Stephen Watson

Async python Socket Server using gobject

Recently I created a small command line python utility to process some stuff on a TCP socket connection. I used the standard python SocketServer class because it was dead simple to use for my purposes.

However, as the requirements of the utility grew (a GUI), I hit the main problem with SocketServers - they block - which is not so good for GUIs.

So, instead of using nasty old threading, I worked out how to use gobject.io_add_watch() to do everything in the gobject/gtk main loop. This makes it very simple to have this run in a gtk UI without needing threads.

SSHFS Mounts and AppDirs

I've been experimenting with a way to combine FUSE/SSHFS with ROX AppDirs and its support of mountpoints.

I have a hackish version now that works well enough for me. Perhaps others could suggest improvements.


ROX Filer, FUSE, SSHFS, and password-less ssh access to the remote host (see ssh-keygen and .ssh/authorized_keys).

The last part is required to keep the Filer/Desktop from hanging while waiting for a password to be entered.


The standard umount command will not unmount fuse-mounted mountpoints. You need to use fusermount -u for that (or be root?). So, using the new configurable mount/umount commands in ROX-Filer 2.5, I created the following myumount command and put it in my path and set ROX-Filer to use this in place of umount.

How to browse "Windows Network"

Get following applications...

Make following rox-app.

Access FTP sites using the filer

Can I access FTP sites using the filer?

Yes, if you can make them appear as part of the filesystem. Some projects
that allow this include:


This applet displays the current network activity
Current stable version: 
Primary author(s): 
Stephen Watson

This applet displays the current network activity

Current stable version:

Primary author(s):
Stephen Watson

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