Icon themes
ROX-Filer lets you choose an icon theme from a menu in Types section of the Options box, allowing you to theme all your icons at once. There is a freedesktop.org standard for icon naming, which should allow us to share themes:
However, we still cannot share themes (although this has improved with recent Filer versions) because the icon names are inconsistent (we implemented one version of the spec, but it changed again).
It seems that there is now a (conflicting) freedesktop.org icon naming specification too.
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Two points
1) The text here needs to be updated - we are already using this as are gnome and kde I believe.
2) We still cannot share themes (although this has improved with recent Filer versions) because the icon names are inconsistent.
It seems that there is now a freedesktop icon naming specification too.
But by providing utilities to symlink from these standard names to a ridiculous number of alternatives, they (the Tango Project) are perpetuating the old naming system.
So we have ROX-Filer using icons like 'gnome-mime-application-x-excutable' when simply 'application-x-executable' would be better and standard.
So, should we again try to advance the standard by dropping 'gnome'-isms and switch to the freedesktop icon naming standard?
Icon themes
I guess we should at least upgrade to the latest version. Presumably, the naming spec is correct, while the icon spec section on MIME types is wrong?
(I've also folded some of your comments into the main page)
Icon naming spec
I don't see in the icon spec. where the naming is defined. There are some examples using MIME-types, but no definition of how the icons get named.
I actually think it is good to separate the two like this though.