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FreeFS released

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* Added es translation (Juan Carlos Jimenez Garcia).
* Monitor home directory when no argument given, not the AppDir.
* Use new menu API.
* Use gtk_rc_parse_string() to set up gauge colours, choice_install no longer needed.
* More options controlling applet appearance, allowing it to adapt to smaller panels and to left or right panels.
* Reinstated the excluded file system types option, just as a manually maintained file for the moment.
* Mark more strings as translatable.
* Translate strings in Options.xml, using the method in ROX-Filer.
* Fix bug sorting the mount points.
* Prepare for use of 0compile.

Full announcement

FreeFS 2.1.7 (Monitor free space on a file system) has been released.

You can install it by entering this URL into AddApp:

To upgrade:

- Right click on the application and choose 'Versions...' from the menu.
- Click on 'Refresh all now'.
- Ensure 'Help test new versions' is selected.

For more information, including package downloads, see:


Changes in 2.1.7:

* Added es translation (Juan Carlos Jimenez Garcia).
* Monitor home directory when no argument given, not the AppDir.
* Use new menu API.
* Use gtk_rc_parse_string() to set up gauge colours, choice_install no longer needed.
* More options controlling applet appearance, allowing it to adapt to smaller panels and to left or right panels.
* Reinstated the excluded file system types option, just as a manually maintained file for the moment.
* Mark more strings as translatable.
* Translate strings in Options.xml, using the method in ROX-Filer.
* Fix bug sorting the mount points.
* Prepare for use of 0compile.

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