Software index
If you're not sure where to start, try ROX-All. If you want a page of links you can drag to AddApp, try the Zero Install software index.
Core software
The core software is a good minimal set of programs with which to start.
- ROX-Filer — the file manager at the core of the ROX desktop
- OroboROX — a lightweight Window Manager for ROX
- Archive — create and unpack archive files (supported formats include zip, tar, gz and bz).
- ROX-Session — a simple session manager for the ROX Desktop.
- ROX-Lib — contains shared code used by other ROX applications
- Edit — a simple text editor
- ROX-All — a single archive containing launchers for most of the ROX applications
- AddApp — create ROX application launchers
Recording, editing and playback of music and videos.
- AlgoScore — Interactive graphical score for algorithmic composition
- Jammin — MPD playlist randomizer
- mplayer-rox — Wraper around mplayer
- Mp3Ogg2Wav — A small rox utility to convert .ogg and .mp3 files to .wav files.
- Ripper — A CD Ripper/Encoder
- Volume — a Volume control Panel Applet and Mixer Application
- MusicBox — A Music Player
- VideoThumbnail — Provides thumbnail images for video files.
- Album — converts collections of MP3 files into an application directory that will play the files using xmms
Programs used to change the system or desktop configuration.
- Screensaver — Control screensaver settings with ROX-Session
- XDGStart — Edits XDG autostart entries
- Autostart — autostart manager
- Font — font selection and smoothing configuration
- Appearance — GTK and Icon theme configuration
- Time — sets time and date
- XPlanet — pinboard backdrop application
- Resolution — change screen resolution dynamically
- Mouse — mouse configuration applet
- Keyboard — keyboard configuration applet
- Gamma — set the gamma correction for your screen
- MIME-Editor — change the rules for guessing a file's type
- Wallpaper — can be used to place an image on your desktop background
Development tools
Tools for software development, version control etc.
- Zero2Bundle — create self-contained bundles from a Zero Install feed
Teaching software, and programs for children.
- Reinteract-ROX — a system for interactive experimentation with python
Just for fun.
- ROX-MAME — MAME frontend
Viewing and editing of photographs and diagrams
- RAWThumbnail — Generates thumbnails for the Digital RAW files
- Picky — an Image Viewer
- ComicThumb — Generates thumbnails for comix archives (cbr,cbz,cbt)
Software for accessing the Internet (web browsers, email, etc).
- Beluga — Wireless network manager
- ROX-Samba — browse Samba networks via FUSE
- Ratatosk — A Jabber client for the ROX desktop
- WiFi — a Wireless quality monitor applet
- Postal — An Applet to Check IMAP, POP and MBOX accounts for new mail
- DownloadManager — download manager for Fetch, limiting the number of simultaneous downloads
- Launch — This provides facilities for launching URLs.
- Mail — This applet provides mail/no mail notification by its icon and also serves as a launcher for your prefered mail client.
- Fetch — This program acts as a download handler for ROX-Filer.
System monitors (CPU load, network activity, etc)
- SysBars — show CPU load etc in bars on the panel
- WiFi — a Wireless quality monitor applet
- HddTemp — a front end to "hddtemp" daemon showing temperature of hard drives
- Lithium — a Battery Status Monitor Applet
- System — process and disk monitor
- NetStat — This applet displays the current network activity
- Mem — This applet displays the current memory usage and the current swap space usage.
- Load — This applet displays the load average of your system (a measure of how much work it is trying to do).
- Tail — This program displays the contents of a text file, updating as the text file is updated.
- FreeFS — Monitor free space on a file system
Programs that don't fit in any other category.
- XDGSupport — creates SendTo items for .desktop files
- ROX-Trasher — Trashcan application for the ROX Filer and Desktop
- Thumbs — simple thumbnail manager
- XAttr — view or edit extended file attributes
- Execute — GUI to run programs by command / run programs as different user
- — shell script that unpacks lots of archives
- Trashcan — a trashcan that complies with the freedesktop-trash-spec
- ROXTerm — Like gnome-terminal without Gnome baggage
- Depend — A utility for checking dependencies of other ROX utilities.
- Rubbish — a very simple rubbish bin.
- Trash — a unified trashcan application for ROX.
- ROX-thumbnailers — It generates thumbnails for ROX-Filer using various thumbnailers
- RoxISO — Create and burn data CD images.
- Memo — alarm clock and reminder list
- Contacts — a Personal Information Manager (address book)
- AppFactory — This program automates the creation of ROX wrappers for non-ROX programs.
Panel applets
A ROX panel applet is a small program that runs inside the panel.
- SysBars — show CPU load etc in bars on the panel
- DevTray — shows devices in the panel
- WiFi — a Wireless quality monitor applet
- Weather — shows the weather
- TaskTray — shows open windows as icons in a growing widget
- RETicker — newsticker for the rox-panel
- XDG-Menu — a menu applet
- HddTemp — a front end to "hddtemp" daemon showing temperature of hard drives
- PanelClock — a simple clock for the panel
- ToggleDesktop — Toggle Show/Hide Window
- SystemTrayN — notification area applet
- Lithium — a Battery Status Monitor Applet
- Tasklist — a panel applet that shows a list of currently open applications
- SystemTray — freedesktop system tray for ROX-Filer
- Pager — an application and panel applet that shows a miniature view of your desktop.
- Postal — An Applet to Check IMAP, POP and MBOX accounts for new mail
- Menu — An Application Launch Menu
- Volume — a Volume control Panel Applet and Mixer Application
- NetStat — This applet displays the current network activity
- Mem — This applet displays the current memory usage and the current swap space usage.
- Mail — This applet provides mail/no mail notification by its icon and also serves as a launcher for your prefered mail client.
- Load — This applet displays the load average of your system (a measure of how much work it is trying to do).
- FreeFS — Monitor free space on a file system
- Clock — A clock applet.
Text processing
Text editors and processing utilities.
- Vixn — A vi-like GUI text editor for programmers
- Diff — This program displays a coloured context diff between two files.
- Tail — This program displays the contents of a text file, updating as the text file is updated.
- Edit — a simple text editor
- Find — A Graphical Find-In-Files Utility
A theme changes the way your desktop looks.
- Lindorm-Flat — A flatter version of the Lindorm theme
- Lindorm — OroboROX theme based on the "Oroborus" theme
- Simplistix — A slim theme for OroboROX
- ROX App Icons — a collection of application icons created by Geoff Youngs
- IndigoMagic — IndigoMagic icon theme for ROX
- Tango Theme — the Tango icon theme (adapted for ROX)
- Xaguar Theme — OroboROX theme based on ale-jaguar
- Noia-ROX — Noia-ROX
- Uniquicons-ROX — icons created for pezhammer and adapted to ROX
- More themes — External links to themes
A library contains shared code that is used by other programs.
- librox-perl — perl implementation of ROX-Lib
- ROX-Rib — a Ruby version of ROX-Lib
- ROX-Lib — contains shared code used by other ROX applications
- ROX-CLib — C library for ROX
Adding your own software
You don't need to edit this page manually. Instead, create a new software page (create content->software in the side panel) and give it the category you want it to appear in. If you don't have an account, ask on the mailing list (sorry; it's the only way to stop the spammers!).»
- Login to post comments

Canon RAW thumbnailer
I wrote a ROX-Filer helper to generate thumbnails for the Canon RAW files (*.crw, *.cr2) from a Canon digital camera:
I would be happy to see it on this page.
I cannot find the "create content->software" in the panel or a way to register...
Canon RAW thumbnailer
You should have an account now. Self-registration had to be disabled due to spammers using it; I've updated the instructions!
PS: you might be interested in Python's 'tempfile' module.
FTP Client?
Would this be the right place to suggest that a ROX ftp client would be nice?
Create content?
The Create Content link seems to have gone missing (I haven't forgotten to log in!). Does the feature need to be enabled again after the last upgrade?
Create content
OK, I think I've got it back now!
It isn't working properly, at
It isn't working properly, at least not for software. When I tried to add SysBars I got an error, and most of the data had been left out when I went to edit it. I tried again, got a preview this time, which was OK, but when I clicked Save the same thing happened. The error is:
user warning: Column 'field_home_page_title' cannot be null query: INSERT INTO content_type_software (vid, nid, field_summary_value, field_current_stable_version_value, field_current_testing_version_value, field_home_page_url, field_home_page_title, field_home_page_attributes, field_primary_authors_value, field_zeroinstall_uri_url, field_zeroinstall_uri_title, field_zeroinstall_uri_attributes, field_downloads_url, field_downloads_title, field_downloads_attributes, field_changelog_url, field_changelog_title, field_changelog_attributes) VALUES (940, 916, 'Panel applet for displaying system resource usage info', '0.0.1', '0.0.1', '', NULL, NULL, 'Tony Houghton', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', NULL, NULL, '', NULL, NULL) in /home/e/4/8/1646/1646/public_html/desktop/sites/all/modules/cck/content.module on line 1065.
Database problems
Fixed, I think.
I tried creating a new URL field, and noticed that they were all NULL fields, whereas the existing ones were NOT NULL. So, I altered all the existing columns to allow NULL. Seems to work.
Can't edit SysBars
I want to edit some things about SysBars but I don't have an Edit tab for it. I guess you edited it manually for me because of the previous problem and now Drupal thinks it's your page and I don't have permission.
The content type was wrong
The content type was wrong for some reason. It's back to HTML now.
I've renamed AutoStart to XDGStart. Please could you add an icon for it. I've made my own to replace the one I copied from something else and uploaded a PNG to
XDGStart icon